12 nov. 2008

Moonlight is bleeding...

Niciodată luna şi cerul nu s'au împăcat mai bine ca azi...

As the cheerless towns pass my window
I can see a washed out moon through the fog
And then a voice inside my head breaks the analogue
And says

Follow me down to the valley below
You know
Moonlight is bleeding from out of your soul

I survived against the will of my twisted folk
But in the deafness of my world the silence broke
And said

Follow me down to the valley below
You know
Moonlight is bleeding from out of your soul


2 comentarii:

  1. Deci, in primele doua poze..
    Deci...cum sa zic eu asta incat sa nu sune atat de idiot pe cat e...
    Deci. Am crezut ca ai pozat doua luni. Sau doi sori. Sau o luna si un soare.
    Ulterior am constientizat si eu ca era un bec.
    Idiot idiot idiot!!


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